Architectural Publisher
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1432 Copenhagen K
(+45) 32-582860
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The Architectural publisher B is a cultural foundation, which has the aim "to publish relevant literature and educational material for the architectural profession, and to promote architecture as part of a broader cultural and social context."
We believe in a strong correlation between form and content, so we usually do the layout and design of the books ourselves.
We believe in quality, not quantity, so we only publish a few books a year.
Board members of the foundation are:
Thomas Birket-Smith - architect, urban planner at the municipality of Aalborg
Gilbert Hansen - architect, editor-in-chief of B, layout responsible, Copenhagen
Leif Høgfeldt Hansen - architect, associate professor at the Aarhus School of Architecture
Peter Mandal Hansen - architect, associate professor at the department of Architecture and Media Technology, University of Aalborg
Regitze Hess - architect, chief operating officer at the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP), Copenhagen
Ola Wedebrunn - architect, associate professor at the School of Architecture, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
B is distributed world-wide by:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands